| |
Computer generated
- Technical
- Realistic
- Humorous
- Geometric
- Photographic likeness
- Others (please ask)
File formats
(files for output)
- Illustrator (trade mark)
- FreeHand (trade mark)
- Photoshop (trade mark)
- Others
(please ask)
Hand drawn
- Technical
- Realistic
- Humorous
- Geometric
- Photographic likeness
- Others (please ask)
Art type
- Line drawings
- Water color
- Dic color
- CMYK color
- RGB color
- Black and white
- Duo-tone
- Gray graduations
- Others (please ask)
- From a single logo to hundreds of illustrations for user manuals
Rates and schedules
End product
Illustration uses
- Logos
- Maps
- Corporate images
- Book covers/articles
- Magazine covers/articles
- User manuals
- Instruction manuals
- Text books
- Others (please ask)
For possible uses see 'Targeted media' list below
Targeted media
- Web sites
- Travel promotions
Z-CARD (trade mark)
- Brochures
- Newsletters
- Posters
- Flyers
- Catalogs
- Books
- Folders
- Magazines
- User manuals
- Business cards
- Stationery
- Tickets
- Phone cards
- Most other types of media (please ask)
Client listing